What is the Biltong Subscription?

Our Biltong Subscription is a hassle-free way to ensure a steady supply of your favourite biltong snacks delivered straight to your doorstep.

How does the subscription work?

Simply select your desired pack size/number of packs and complete the checkout process. Your order will then be automatically processed and dispatched according to your chosen schedule.

Is there a minimum commitment period for the subscription?

No, there is no minimum commitment. You have the flexibility to manage your subscription according to your preferences. You can cancel or modify your subscription at any time without any hidden fees.

How does the trial work?

We will send you  pack of our 20G protein snack for you to see what you have signed up for. Your subscription will then start with the package that you have selected one week later, This will be repeated monthly. You can cancel anytime, as mentioned. 

Is Biltong a natural product?

Yes, biltong is a natural product made from high-quality beef that is seasoned, air-dried, and cured. It undergoes a traditional process, free from artificial additives or preservatives.

My pack has mould?

Although very rare, some packs of biltong may develop mould due to its fresh and natural composition. Factors such as humidity levels, storage conditions, or a faulty oxygen absorber can contribute to this occurrence. Proper storage in a cool, dry place will help prevent mould growth. In the rare case that your pack does develop mould, we will happily replace it and provide you with a prepaid postage label to return it to us.

How are subscription payments processed?

Your payment will be automatically processed at the time of each shipment. We accept major credit cards, and your payment details are securely stored for a seamless subscription experience.

How do I cancel my subscription?

We would hate to lose your subscription! If there is any other way that we can help, please do reach out to us. If you do still feel like cancelling your subscription, please email us with the subject line 'Cancel'.

Can I get a refund?

Please refer to our refund policy. Please note an admin fee may be charged on refunds.

What if I have more questions or need assistance?

We're here to help! If you have any additional questions or need assistance with your subscription, feel free to reach out to our customer support team at contact@biltongbuddies.co.uk or through out 'Contact us' page. We're dedicated to ensuring your subscription experience is as enjoyable as our biltong!